Monday, 17 November 2014

The great return...

This is going to be a very relaxed blog post.  Here is a photo of me as I'm writing it.  It's a crappy webcam photo, but it just felt right OKAY.  Also I changed my blog URL, and will be changing the top banner thing -  bare with, bare with.

Wow, okay.  It's been a while.  University is pretty hectic, but I do love it.  Obviously blogging has had to take a backseat, and it's taken me a little while to get my head around time management and all that jazz, but now I'm attempting to make a comeback to my blog, and hope you will welcome me back with the kindness you welcomed me with in the beginning. 

So what have I actually been doing?  Well I'm studying religion, which I may have previously mentioned.  I won't go into huge detail about what I'm studying on the course, since I doubt anyone is massively interested - but so far I can confirm Hinduism is really cool and the Goddess is kind of my hero.  She rides a lion.  Goals.

I'm also working a Christmas temp at Lush, which I very much enjoy, and prefer to my old job at a D.I.Y and homeware store.  It's a lot more 'me', although I do need to get my product knowledge up to scratch!  Remembering the ingredients to the different products is a bit of a challenge!  

And now, what does the future hold for ella-mink?  I'm annoyed at myself for stopping when I did, because my blog was growing and more and more people were having a read, and I could have made the most of that.  I'm going to hopefully be blogging twice a week, and I'd like to do more lifestyle-y posts.  Since I'm not living with my parents anymore I'm getting to grips with budgeting and being an adult.  Like today I rang an estate agent.  What the hell.  How did I get so old?!

Also I kind of actually have a social life now, which is a bit weird, like I do actually leave the house on Saturday nights.  And sometimes other nights too!  (hahaha I'm introducing my terrible jokes to m blog - please don't leave)  And another exciting thing that happened in my life - my boyfriend let me have some of his Sharpie pens, so I took all the pink and purples ones.  Obviously. 

I know this post is kind of different to what I started out doing on this blog, but I will still be doing beauty things!  Seriously, I am still as obsessed with make up as ever, if not more.  But I'd just like to throw in a few more "this me and this is what's happening in my life" posts.  Like what I thought a blog should be when I was 13.  Considering I still act 13 most of the time, that seems like an appropriate format.  

Here is a photo of me with a real camera to make me seem like a real blogger.

I'll chat to you again soon, and I really do hope you'll stick with me as I attempt to switch things up a bit on my blog.  I just want to be a bit more fun for the both of us.

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. Loved this chatty posts! I bet working at Lush is fab :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


    1. Thanks, I enjoy writing chatty posts! Yeah, I love it! x

  2. Such a cute chatty post, it's good to throw in some "this is me" posts along with everything else, gives people chance to get to know you :)

    Gabby xo

    Blog - What She Buys / Instagram / Twitter

    1. Thank you, I really enjoy writing these posts, and want to throw a few more in! x

  3. Ah its so cool that you work in lush! :)

    Emma Louise xx

  4. I'm looking forward to future blogging from you :) x x

  5. Thanks! Have followed you back x

  6. It's a cute post
    I like the way you write :D
    You have a new follower
    I wait you in my blog

  7. I love your writing style, I actually had a few laughs in this post haha! Just gave you a follow lovely :) x

    Angela | The Sunday Chapter

  8. Great post! I adore your hair, you are such a great writer! Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

  9. I think what you're studying sounds SUPER interesting and I would LOVE to hear more about it!

    Aisling |
